
"finding Wisdom in the Dynamic Equilibrium between Living and Dying"

Building & Being an Ethical Culture

"the highest ideal is justice" (R. Niebuhr)

Muslim Traditions


  1. Tradition and culture
    1. Culture traditions and religious doctrine are not synonymous
    2. Slightly less than a quarter of world’s entire population
    3. Nationalities, ethnicities, races
    4. Sects
    5. Education
  2. Muslim observances and requirements regarding death and dying Religious considerations and perceptions
    1. Multiple interpretations on what is permissible re: treatment practices
    2. Western practices are not necessarily those of Muslims
      1. Women /men etc docs
      2. Medication/ fasting
      3. Authorizations – Imam
    3. Observance of religious obligations
      1. Prayer
      2. Fasting
      3. Dietary requirements
    4. Medical technology
      1. Life Support and other considerations
      2. Consultation
    5. Death
      1. "Inshallah”
      2. Extraordinary measures
      3. Talqeen /Shahada as death approaches
    6. After Death
      1. Time constraints must be followed
      2. Burial take place within 24 hours
      3. No autopsy- for the most part
      4. Understanding of the specific traditions of the deceased and family
      5. Preparation by members of the faith




III. Online Resources


The World’s Muslims: Religion, Politics and Society




Mapping the Global Muslim Population


Death and dying--a Muslim perspective.



a project of the Division of Philosophy & Ethics | McCall College | McCall, Idaho |